Dove is healing slowly from her ear amputation surgery and lower eyelid biopsy.
The biopsy results show that Dove has squamous cell cancer, the type that comes back. We are consulting with a veterinary oncologist and her veterinary surgeon on treatment options.
In the meantime, Dove is enjoying her foster family. A warm wood stove fire is one of her favorite things, especially when combined with lap time.
Just like with people, dealing with a cancer diagnosis and how best to treat it drives extra costs. Visits with the surgeon and oncologist have cut into our special medical fund. We would appreciate donations to our special medical fund and please note that they are for Dove. Any extra we receive after paying her bills will be used for other dogs and cats who need extra medical attention.
To donate securely online, go here and designate for Dove.
To donate by check, please write Dove in the memo. Mail to North Beach PAWS, PO Box 962, Ocean Shores WA. 98569