North Beach PAWS is a Best Friends Network Partner and in conjunction with Best Friends National Adoption Weekend June 30-July 2, North Beach PAWS will be open additional hours for cat and dog adoption appointments. Along with our regular Saturday hours of 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on July 1st, you can make an appointment for Friday, June 30th or Sunday, July 2nd. North Beach PAWS currently has 15 dogs available and eligible for adoption. As for cats, North Beach PAWS has plenty of cats and kittens to choose from and you can adopt two cats or kittens for the price of one, excluding specialty cats, during this special event.
For appointments for cat adoptions, call 360-660-4658.
For appointments for dog adoptions, call 360-660-4661.
North Beach PAWS is located at 2222 SR 109, near Hogan’s Corner just outside Ocean Shores.