Dale has a very special medical condition. When we got her as a small kitten, she had developed what is called a rectal prolapse. This is when the lower part of her colon protrudes outside her body. This is potentially fatal if the tissue dries out and dies.
She has had two 'stitch' procedures, to hold the tissue inside, in the hope that as she grew it would stay where it belongs. Unfortunately, this would work for a while but then the prolapse would occur again.
We had to seek out a veterinary specialist in the Seattle area to perform a more permanent type of surgery, called a colopexy, where the colon is stitched internally to the wall of the abdomen. She is scheduled to have this surgery in a few days.
The cost of the initial consultation and surgery is estimated at $3,500. But without this surgery, Dale has no future. This is her last chance. It is an expensive surgery because it is quite specialized, and we all know what medical costs can be.
Dale happens to be one of the sweetest kittens we have at the shelter. She loves everyone and has an instant purr. She gets along with the other cats and kittens, and is otherwise quite healthy. We want to do all we can for her.
This is yet another reason we maintain a specific fund for special emergency medical care for our shelter cats and dogs. It is funded through the generosity of animal lovers and just for this purpose. We are hoping for donations for Dale to help offset this expense.
If you are able to help financially, you can use one of the following options:

You can also send a donation to North Beach PAWS, P.O. Box 962, Ocean Shores, WA 98569.
Please note that your donation is either for Dale or for the emergency medical fund.
If interested in adopting Dale after her surgery, please contact our adoption coordinator at 360-660-4658.
Thank you for your kindness!