Our sweet Dove passed over the rainbow bridge yesterday. She had several wonderful months with us before the cancer became to much for her to bear. It was an honor to have this gentle cat in our home and in our hearts. We chose the picture of Dove napping after a fun play session as a happy memory of her.

From supporting mom cats and their kittens to hospice care like Dove, fosters are a safe harbor for those in need.
If you can open your heart and home as a foster parent or family, please leave a message with our Foster Coordinator, Bonnie, at 360-940-7197 or email eliand5more@gmail.com.
This kind of care is made possible by your generous donations. All donations in memory of Dove will be applied to our medical fund so we can help the next dog or cat. Please go to our secure site at northbeachpaws.org/donate, or write a check to North Beach PAWS, PO Box 962, Ocean Shores WA 98569, and designate for Dove.