North Beach PAWS is completely supported by volunteers, and we need your help! We have many areas with needs, all hours, all activity levels. Come join our dedicated team!

North Beach PAWS is in desperate need of Volunteers in the following categories: 1. The Saturday Garage Sale: Mike Valdez needs more helpers at the Furniture Store. Please call him at (360)580-4714 if you have a few hours each week (or every other week) you could assist him. He will train you. 2. More Shift Volunteers are needed at the Cat and Dog Houses each week. Ideally we have two shifts every day, but due to the recent shortage of volunteers, we are currently doing several midday shifts at both houses. A normal shift is about 2 hours, with two people working together. The morning shift is 8-10 am and afternoon shift is 4-6 pm. You will receive training from the Cat and Dog House teams. Please call Angie Knaak, the Volunteer Coordinator, if you have a few hours each week that you can help. Her number is (360) 500-1292. 3. Flyer Distribution Volunteers: Several times throughout the year, we have flyers regarding special Fundraising Events and other activities that we need distributed and/or posted in Ocean Shores and the North Beach areas. We could use 2-3 volunteers to call upon to do this. A list will be provided to you of the various locations where they have been posted in past years. (Businesses, Hotels, Restaurants, Churches, etc.) Please call Lorna Valdez at (360) 581-1383 if you have any questions or would like to be on this team.